Twenty Four Hours / 24 hours long / 365 days art diary vlog / video project on youtube / 2017This 365 project means creating 1 day or 24 hours long video as a kind of art vlog project.Project is consist of producing 4 minute long video every single day. Under the producing Imean every day shooting, editing, color grading, exporting and uploading. Project will start onJanuary 1st 2017 and it will last until 31st of December 2017. It is a kind of marathon videomaking and it can be seen as a performance. It is a performance in virtual (digital) and actual(analog) reality. This project problematize duration and perceivability of art works and howthey can be publish on internet media. Final 24 h video will be structured in one piece in 2018,but you will be able to watch it on Youtube as a playlist channel or a stream.