Nature intelligence / c - print / 2006 Multi-layered structure of “Natural intelligence” is in several problems it dealswith and puts forward as well as the possibilities for interpretation that itoffers. While researching how people react and visually communicate with this“picture” I came to the following conclusions and possibilities forinterpretation: the complexity of the gaze and the psychology of the child whohas all mental characteristics of a grown, mature woman, and yet it is a childplaying carelessly, puts forward the issue of complexity and overlapping ofpsychologies within person-child, as well as antagonisms within the humannature; the facial expression and the physiognomy / the anatomy of the facethat holds within several different images of human races, the movement of thehand suggesting a certain subtlety and gentleness of the entire composition,that is the caught moment according to Cartie Bresson le momente decisif,suggests the problem of coincidence as a special quality and essence ofphotography; the context of the name of the photo and the colour left on theface and body of the girl contradict Spielberg’s film “Artificial intelligence”which, on the other hand, deals with the problem of survival of mankindthrough robots and artificial intelligence, that over time, take on the form ofhuman, natural intelligence.