A house / graffito / 2010 / a homage to Vlado Martek House , 1997“Write its name on each thing you purchase or own.”«The basic thought about existence of discource structure in which we live and which define us. If a word of a discourse or writng possesses an affect, thekind we see in a hysteria or in revolutions, then one should add to it a new meaning that exceeds the demands of utilitarian comunication. The performativepossesses its effect. Performative account is the account by which a speaker expresses a certain action (of his own), and this action is completed with, andcaused by its expression. If we utilize Morris language theory, we can notice that performative accounts include, aside from syntax and semantics, at least asegment of pragmatic ordinance. » *Martek / Fatalne figure umjetnika, Miško Šuvaković, Meandar, Zagreb 2002, str.75.